Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photo of the Week 2/14/10

Outhouse at C. Ben Ross Reservoir, Indian Valley 2/13/10
photo taken by Eberle Umbach

Please check out today's post at The Days of Wine & Roses; it's "The Big Sleep," a poem that was posted some time ago here on the Banjo. Hope you enjoy it.


  1. This reminds me of a controversy in the 60s about a piece of art called "West Virginia Moon." It was an outhouse with a crescent moon cut into the door. Oh, people here were outraged. Isn't that funny?

  2. I forgot to tell you...Happy Valentine's Day! :)

    Tis lightly un-romantic and un-festive to post a picture of an outhouse, isn't it? ;)

    Either way, I hope yalls day is great. :)

  3. Hi Karen, Ginger & Kat

    Karen: That's a funny story! Thanks.

    Ginger: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! I did think about the "outhouse on Valentines"--it's not supposed to send any message; we took a bunch of pix yesterday & this simply was the best one!

    Kat: Didn't Eberle get a great shot? Thanks!

  4. You two were certainly brave driving on those roads yesterday!

    by the way, I loved Dani's poem!!!!

  5. Hi Heather: There was one stretch on the way to Ben Ross that was really bad--even in the Subaru we were sort of sliding on mud for several undred feet! Glad you liked Dani's poem!

  6. Pretty big for an outhouse; at least as far as the ones I've used,

  7. Hi Subby: I think that's because of the strange wall!

  8. cosmic outhouse!

    do outhouses have crescent moons have to do that when you use one you most often pull down your pants?


  9. Hi Mouse: Well, as Utah Phillips said, outhouses are something not often looked into. Anyway, Wikipedia (of course) offers the following discussion:

    "The well-known crescent moon on American outhouses was popularized by cartoonists and had a questionable basis in fact. There are authors who claim the practice began during the colonial period as an early “mens”/ “ladies” designation for an illiterate populace. (The sun and moon being popular symbols for the genders during those times. Others refute the claim as an urban legend."

  10. Dang my eyes! Now I see it; like one of those privacy walls, I gather...


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