Monday, February 1, 2010

Helix #3

a straw cowboy hat
a canteloupe sunrise a snow glazed ridgeline
a white-crowned sparrow in a willow

a narrow wallpapered hallway its doors all closed
a white wicker hamper
a diner glinting stainless under a palm tree

you are someone else you cannot be known
headlights on the dirt road at 5:00 a.m.
a raven hunched on a cedar fence post

a black madonna
a haystack draped with a silver tarp
a styrofoam coffee cup

what does memory show
a sheet of beeswax for candles
a waxing moon electrifying the snow

you are someone else you cannot be known
a green linen sport coat
a blue glass mixing bowl

a ticket stub you can’t recall the film
a line that divides & connects
frost constellated across this morning’s windshield

reflections in a resonator guitar
a stainless steel measuring cup a red plastic handle
a magnolia petal like a sob & another

the naked thorn trees the January garden
a ring-neck pheasant forages next to the tall hedge
a highway's divided line

Jack Hayes
© 2010


  1. Hi Kat: So glad you liked it! & thanks again for your support of the book!

  2. Oh Wow. You've really hit on something...

    So special, brings tears to my eyes.

    I feel like I'm home in it, you know?

    It flows so nicely.


    Wonderful, wonderful job.

  3. This is splendid, John. (Are you wearing that straw cowboy hat in the photo above?!)You've captured the movement of a helix -- does a helix have movement? You've given it movement. That's one of the wonders of poetry, its ability to create movement on the page and through the language.

  4. Hi T: Yes, that's me in the cowboy hat--way back in 88 in Barstow, CA, in the midst of one of the x-country road trips. Thanks so much for your words about the poem. Maybe a helix has frozen movement?


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