Howdy out there in cyberland! I’m happy to let you know there’ll be yet another Musical Questions post coming up tomorrow. This one will feature good friend Tomm Lemon, guitarist, bassist, violinist & singer who brings a unique perspective to our questions for musical performers & composers (OK, so all perspectives are unique, but…).
Tomm Lemon was a Suzuki-trained violinist who later rebelled & took up guitar, & then electric bass. He’s composed his own music, both instrumental & lyrical, & the work I’ve heard is fresh & inventive—Tomm has an ear for startling harmonies & seems able to overcome the standard three-chord pattern that can box in a number of guitarist-composers. & while Tomm may not have the performing experience of some of our other musician guests, he also works on music with school children as part of his duties as a Seventh Day Adventist pastor; in these days of wrecking havoc on all educational budgets in the interest of supporting various war debacles as well as ensuring the all-important principle that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer (one truth my Dad instilled in me—he was a secret leftist, tho from another time & place)—as I was saying, in these days of neglecting all aspects of education that can’t be measured by quantitative test scores (& sports), I admire anyone who works with kids on music, art, writing, etc. & tho Tomm & I no doubt have some very different ideas about how the universe works—yours truly coming from the notorious secular humanist perspective—I also respect his open-mindedness & his motto: “Love is more important than being right.”
I think you’ll find Tomm’s musical story interesting, so tune in tomorrow—& on a related note (related to Musical Questions, tho not to Tomm’s post): apologies to the members of Okie Rosette for misspelling the band name in Bernie Jungle’s post—it’s been corrected, & sorry ‘bout that.
Pic is by Michelle Lemon
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