Thursday, July 29, 2010

Eberle’s Homegrown Cherry Pie

Happy Thursday, folks!  Hope you have a good appetite this morning.

Eberle says that her recipe for a cherry pie begins as follows: “Plant a cherry tree.”  We are so lucky to have two pie cherry trees in our garden, & they are very hardy & consistent producers, too.  Springs in Indian Valley, Idaho can be unpredictable.  On the whole, they tend to come pretty early, but we can be cursed with a late freeze that will wipe out peaches & pears & even plums.  But the cherry trees always seem to hang in there & produce a bounteous crop in July & August.

Once you’ve planted your cherry tree & it’s grown & producing cherries (or you find another supply of same), Eberle suggests the following:

For the pie filling:

2-½ cups of pie cherries
2 Tbsp of tapioca
1-¼ cups of sugar

Warm the pie filling ingredients until the tapioca is dissolved.

For the pie crust:

1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 Tbsp sugar
¼ tsp salt
6 Tbsp (¾ stick) unsalted butter, cut in pieces & cold
1 egg yolk
2 Tbsp of ice water

After you have formed your dough, refrigerate it for 1 hour.

Then bake the crust at 425 degrees for 8 minutes before adding the pie filling.  After 8 minutes, turn the oven down to 375, add the filling & bake until the crust is golden brown.

I think you can handle it from there! 

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Mmmmm! Looks good. I've never been able to bake a decent pie, though, so I'll have to wait until somebody local starts selling fresh-made ones.

  2. Oh, yummy! I'll take a piece, please! (cut me a wide one)

  3. Hi Roy & Willow

    Roy: Here's hoping there's cherry pie in your future!

    Willow: Oh, yes, it was yummy indeed!

  4. Looks good. I'm sure it makes all the difference having homegrown cherries.

  5. Hi Raquelle: Yes, that's true. But I bet cherries from a good farmer's market would work pretty well.

  6. Hi Kat:

    Can't say I've read enough to affect my cherry pie enjoyment, which I'm thinking is a good thing. Yes, I have that song in my head, too--the danger of such a post--despite the fact I've been rehearsing old blues off & on all morning!

  7. Yum! I love cherry pie! Tell Eberle thanks for sharing her recipe.


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