Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adams County Makes the News - Council Leader #17

The Council Leader
Published Every Thursday by the Council Publishing Company
Fred Mullin, Editor


The following formula, if used according to directions, will preserve fence posts and prolong their life many years.  I have seen in western Oregon fences constructed with ordinary second growth fir posts that have stood for twenty years and upon examination, the posts were found to be perfectly sound.

    Corrosive Sublimate:    2 oz.
    Arsenic:        6 oz.
    Salt (common table):    12 oz.

Take timber the size posts are wanted in spring after the sap has raised, cut the desired length, be careful to leave the bark on and not break.  The posts must be set little or top end down.

Before setting the posts, take a three-quarter inch augur and bore a hole in the post one inch above the level of the ground after the post is set, also bore a like hole fifteen inches from the top of the post, each of the holes to be bored to the center or heart of the post.  Now put one teaspoonful of the above mixture into each of the holes and drive a plug therein tight.  Do not crowd the mixture too mixture too much.  Care must be used that the plug fits the hole tight; then set the post in the ground. 


Frank Lauzon, of Cuprum, was a business visitor in town Tuesday and made this office a pleasant call.

Isaac Glenn is carrying his arm in a sling.  He was riding a fractious colt which threw him off, breaking his wrist.

Last Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mullin gave a surprise party to their son, Dale, to commemorate his sixteenth birthday anniversary.  His school class of eighth graders were invited and dropped in on him in a body, making the surprise complete.  Games and music were the order of the evening; refreshments were served and a pleasant evening spent.

A deal was consummated this week whereby Bert Kilkeny became owner of the John Lakey ranch eight miles up Hornet Creek, and in exchange, Mr. Lakey takes the Kilkeney property, bakery and confectionery.  Mr. and Mrs. Lakey have a wide circle of friends, and having had some experience in the line they are entering will no doubt do a good business.  Mr. Kilkeny and family are moving out to the ranch today where Bert contemplates pailing the muley cow, raising piglets, etc.  The Leader wishes both families unbounded success.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Glenn of Fruitvale on Sunday March 9th, a daughter.  All are doing nicely.  This makes the even half-dozen children for them.

Billie (W.R.) Brown, our well-known and popular confectioner, has sold his establishment to Albert Woodell, who took possession last Monday.  Mr. Woodell is well known to our people, having clerked in the Criss store until recently.  He is a first-class store man and will continue the high standard heretofore maintained, and intends at all times to keep a good stock of everything in his line.  Mr. Brown retains ownership of the building and expects this summer in company with Sam Whitely and Frank Mathias to go to their prospect on South Fork Salmon, where they propose to take out a car of ore and ship it to the smelter with a view to finding what their property is worth.

March 14, 1913

“The P. & I. N. railway will be extended north this year from New Meadows down the Little Salmon to Riggins, where the P. & I. N. will connect with the Gilmore and Pittsburgh railroad from Salmon City to Lewiston.  The information comes from a source that is quite authentic.”  Boise Capital News

Following this information comes a dispatch from Lewiston dated March 8 which reads:  “The hope of the people of the northwest for a half century will be realized during the year 1914—an open river from Lewiston to the sea—and making of this city in reality a seaport connecting with the deep water ports of the world.”

Thus it will be seen that the opening of the river from Lewiston to the sea is assured, and all that remains to connect the Council section to a nearby seaport is the building of a thirty-five mile extension of the P. & I. N.  It goes without saying that all know what such a connection would mean to Council and we should therefore do anything in our power to further the proposed extension of the P. & I. N.

July 26, 1915

It is hard to find a more needed railroad in the United States than between Grangeville and Lewiston or New Meadows.  It has been demonstrated that this county raises as hardy an apple as is grown in the United States and there is a big demand in foreign countries for Council Valley apples.  There are billions of feet of timber in this county waiting for the saw and then will be ready for the market in foreign lands.  Our mining industry is just in its infancy, and when fully developed will offer a considerable amount of ore for transportation.  It is pointed out that while the route of the Pacific & Idaho Northern Railway appears to be in every respect the best route traversing a district capable of the highest degree of development, yet there is an alternate route up Long Valley, which, if adopted, would leave the people of our district precisely where they are now in matters of transportation.

September 17, 1915

Since the advent of the Long Valley road, the P. & I. N. has had a hard row to hoe, but Mr. Heigho has maintained excellent service under the circumstances and says he will continue as long as possible only cutting the service as a last resort.
The service part is up to the people.  The jitney in some of the communities is hurting the road’s business.  The railroad uses what it makes in the summer to pay winter expenses, and if the people insist on patronizing the jitney in the summer they will have to take what they can get in the winter when the jitney cannot operate.  The competition is not fair, for the jitney is free-lance while the railway is held accountable to the Public Utilities and other commissions.  We are pleased to say that the Council country has stood loyally by the railroad.

compiled by Eberle Umbach


  1. Yet another winning collection - and the title of the piece reminded me it is time to back up my blog!

  2. Hi Alan: How funny! But a good point, too: fellow bloggers--make sure you back up your blog regularly!


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