Mystery animal, as in the fellow in the boots pictured to the right. In fact, one might describe this animal as “Platypuss-in-Boots.”
If you are a long time follower of Robert Frost’s Banjo, you probably remember my wife Eberle Umbach’s wildly fun & imaginative blog that was—not coincidentally—called Platypuss-in-Boots. Other writing projects have called Eberle away from blogging, but she has graciously agreed to make the content of the Platypuss-in-Boots blog available on Robert Frost’s Banjo so new readers can enjoy it & old readers can have some fun re-reading. There may (or may not) be minor editing to the original posts so that they make sense in their new context, & there may be some jazzing up of the graphics, but overall, this will be Platypuss-in-Boots from start to….
From start to what? Eberle has told me that as part of Platypuss appearing on Robert Frost’s Banjo, she may write some new episodes. Oh frabjous day!
Platypuss in Boots will appear here on alternate Fridays! Please check it out tomorrow!
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