Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Adams County Makes the News - Council Leader #14

The Council Leader
Published Every Thursday by the Council Publishing Company
Fred Mullin, Editor

April 11, 1912
This is the time of year when the little microbe known as poetry gallops through the veins of a large number of people and many express their poetic feelings on paper and send them to the country newspaper for publication. Some poems sent to said newspaper are good, some bad, some indifferent. The man who writes the bad verse thinks his production is just as good as the other fellow’s, and if only the good one is published, then the other fellow is mad, and so it goes.

In the last week or so, this office has received several original poems. Some of them are good. We thank the donors very kindly for remembering us, but—WE DO NOT PUBLISH POETRY.

November 9, 1911
The famous Musical Shirleys will appear in Council Saturday evening. These people have gained a worldwide reputation for their renditions of the highest class of music on ten different instruments.

December 7,1911
Mrs. C. W. Wight will give a lecture at the Congregational church December 14. Her subject will be “What is Woman.” This lecture will be both humorous and instructive and everybody is cordially invited to attend.

December 7, 1911
Last summer, a number of the businessmen of Council decided that there should be given here a number of popular entertainments throughout the fall and winter months. They realized that there is little of amusement offered in our midst, and believed that the people of the vicinity would lend their support by attending the various numbers when offered. These men, to give the public something really worth attending, contracted with a Lyceum Bureau for a four number course of entertainments and personally agreed to stand good for the cost of the same.

With the exception of the lecture course, there has been nothing doing in Council; there has been nothing more of amusement and entertainment offered here than is offered in the most remote vicinities of the county. The enterprising and wide awake business men of the valley believe that there should be offered to the public entertainments of real worth, such as will make the winter pass pleasantly and with benefit to all. Those in charge of the lecture course feel gratified because of the support thus far given. But there is going to be a deficiency which these men must pay unless a number of the good people of the community, who have not yet shown their appreciation of the attempt to bring Council a little to the front, come out and attend the next two entertainments.

High-class entertainments are good for the community and are good for each person individually, and we cannot believe that the people of Council valley are going to see a thing they really should support fall behind.

March 14, 1912
The four reels, set pictures, together with Miss Brown’s musical renditions, make an evening’s entertainment that is well worth your time and money.

April 4, 1912
The balmy air of the past few days has brought local fans to a realization that another ball season is on. The boys started out with a subscription paper and raised a snug sum of money, and feeling much encouraged, proceeded to organize. Negotiations are underway for the organization of a league, composed of the clubs at Midvale, Cambridge, Council and Meadows. With proper coaching and teamwork, we may expect some games worth seeing this summer.

August 22, 1912
The band will appear in the public square again Saturday night and give a concert far better than ever. Professor Stoner is due great credit for making this band as good as any in this part of the country.

September 12, 1913
Ontario is the gateway to the largest open range left in the west. Ontario is headquarters for the most horse men and cattle men of this last wide open range; and central Oregon is noted for its scores of daring riders, wild horse tamers and efficient ropers, who are all coming to the Malheur county fair. The Wild West sports at Ontario will be genuine; that is, the real thing without imitation. They will be fascinating, dangerous, and sensational.

October 16, 1914
The pictures for tomorrow will be of the same high standard as usual and will be deserving of the patronage of all the people. We are sure you cannot find a better place to go tomorrow night than to the picture show and the price is always reasonable. The music alone will be worth the price of admission.

January 29, 1915
There is no lack of amusement in Council this winter. First the youngsters had excellent skating, now the coasting is good; parties and dances have been held at a number of places in the vicinity and we have been fortunate in having high grade picture shows each Tuesday and Saturday evening to fill in the remainder of the time. Tomorrow night the high school pupils will present their play, “Oak Farm.”

Rev. Night is still holding revival meetings with a good crowd every evening, regardless of the severe cold weather.

Quite a number of the young people from here went to Hog Creek to the dance Friday night.

August 27, 1915
E. F. Schultze, the violinist, returned Saturday evening from Pendleton where he has been working for some time. Our fine orchestra is now complete again, with new music on hand, and the dances for the coming season will be better than ever.

Perils of Pauline
We haven’t space for the story this week, but will say that it is exceptionally good. The scene is western and Pauline is captured by a band of Indians, to say nothing of other thrilling experiences. You will want to see it at the movies tomorrow.
February 26, 1915

Council had too many shows Tuesday night—Joseph in the Land of Egypt at the opera house and Grace V. Bonner at Odd Fellows Hall. Both were of the highest order and neither sufficiently patronized. Remember the regular pictures and the big dance tomorrow (Saturday) night.

September 15, 1919
This vicinity was well represented at Weiser on circus day last week.

July 2, 1919

Miss Willey comes from California where the art of whistling has reached its highest development. She imitates birds of all sorts, whistles classically, and ragtimely. Not only is Miss Willey a rarely good whistler, but she is an all-around musician and entertainer.

compiled by Eberle Umbach



    That was hilarious!

  2. Hi Scotty: Yes, that's a hoot! Thanks for stopping by.

  3. And just to reiterate, WE DO NOT PUBLISH POETRY. (How could that statement ever lose its charm?) I imagine there was an underground paper being circulated among the print-deprived poets of Council. Perhaps one day some surviving copies will be discovered?

  4. Hi Audrey: What a wonderful idea! If it exists, I hope we find it.

  5. In some ways they still had celebrity-obsessed newspapers back in those days : but the celebrities were local (whatever claim in makes for the world renowned Shirleys) and decidedly more interesting.

  6. Actually, dont you think , that "WE DO NOT PUBLISH POETRY" would make a good opening line of a poem?

  7. the little microbe known as poetry
    What a tenacious little microbe it is.

    Her subject will be “What is Woman.”
    I wonder if there's a surviving copy of that lecture.

  8. Hi Alan, Tony & HKatz

    Alan: Much different celeb obsession methinks!

    Tony: It would be a fun opening line!

    HKatz: Yes, a durable microbe indeed! Sadly, I suspect that lecture is no more.


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