Sunday, January 1, 2012

Photo of the Week 1/1/12

The Willamette River with the Boradway Bridge & the Fremont Bridge
Taken from a Max Train on the Steel Bridge
Portland, Oregon
Friday 12/30/11


  1. I love all the shades of gray and the splashes of reds in this photo.

  2. Hi Joyce: Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it. I took several shots & wasn't totally happy with any; I think this was the best. It was taken from a moving train.

  3. Two of the most commanding images - this and the previous - I have seen in yonks.

    A great New Year to you and yours.

  4. That lamppost(?) in the foreground seems to be holding up the sky like a tent pole. I also like the red colors sandwiched between gray clouds and gray water.

  5. Hi Dave, HKatz & Kat

    Dave: Thank you so very much! Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season!

    HKatz: I believe that's one of the many bridge supports--the Steel Bridge, as you might guess from its name, is quite industrial in its appearance. Thanks! Glad you liked it!

    Kat: Thank you! If you ever can make it to Portland I'd so love to see you!


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