Saturday, December 31, 2011

"Epiphany Road"

 Happy Saturday, friends.  I have something special for you today.

I’ve spun my wheels a bit on the creative front since the move to Portland.  Not surprising, given all the circumstances of course.  So I’m really pleased to bring you a recording of a new song composed by yours truly—it’s my first venture into composing instrumental music since the early summer of 2008, & a welcome return at that!

The song is called “Epiphany Road,” & I’m indebted to a dear cyber friend for both the title & the inspiration to compose the piece.  That friend is Sandy Maxey, a brilliant person who I'm fortunate indeed to know thru Twitter.  If any of you doubt that Twitter can be used to convey important information & indeed, both deep thought & observations, you clearly haven’t experienced what Sandy Maxey can do with the form.  But more importantly—as in all friendships, whether in “3-D life” or in the “virtual” sphere—there has been a chance to share on a real level.  For this, I have so much gratitude; & in the course of such a conversation, Sandy told me about a special place that she calls “Epiphany Road.” 

The name stuck with me, & I began noodling on the guitar with that conversation in mind.  This was the result—a humble piece given the amazing title, but one that I like.  It’s played on my Gold Tone wood-bodied resonator guitar tuned to open D.  It’s actually the first time I’ve ever come up with a song in an open tuning & I must admit it presents some challenges—it’s not as easy to rely on a string of extended chords to give some melodic interest for example. 

Unfortunately, I don’t have the recording equipment I used to use at my disposal anymore.  For the time being, I’m using an Olympus hand-held digital recorder—not a bad piece of equipment for what it is, but not up to the quality of the Boss workstation I’d been using.  I do have a little Sony condenser mic, which is a big step up over the Olympus’ built-in, tho again, it’s not the same quality as the mics I used when recording in Idaho.  The song is a single, “live” track.

So here is “Epiphany Road” for Sandy Maxey—& very much hope you all enjoy it too.

The photo isn’t a picture of the actual “Epiphany Road,” but rather of a road not far from where I grew up along the Saxtons River in Vermont.  It seemed to fit on a few levels.


  1. A Lovely Way To Walk The Road.Thank You John.My Best Wishes To You+Yours in 2012.

  2. Contemplative, complex, and lovely. I've listened over a few times. Congratulations.

    And I like the photo, too.

  3. as soon as i saw the title, i knew exactly what road you were talking about. sandy is quite a lovely & intelligent lady....i'm so fortunate to know her in real life & interact with her online as well. i count myself fortunate to know you too.
    :) gorgeous song.

  4. Hi Tony, Jacqueline & Barbie!

    Tony: Thank you so much! A very happy New Year to you & yours as well!

    Jacqueline: Thanks--I appreciate that so much!

    Barbie: So glad you liked it! I consider myself so fortunate to know both you & Sandy: you are both amazing people & dear friends. I just have to figure out how to get to North Carolina for a visit :)

  5. Oh, so lovely! Made me slow down for a moment and take in the goodness of my world.

    Thank you for this, John.

    Wishing you the best of all possible worlds in this year to come.


  6. Hi T: Thanks so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed the music & that it made a little difference in your day. All the very best wishes to you for 2012 as well :)

  7. Nice, John! I especially like the use of harmonics in there. In a way it reminds me of the movies from the Canadian Board of Education we used to see back in my schooldays; they were all in b&w and they had soundtracks like your song - solo guitar that sort of ambled along with the action or scenery on the screen. I can almost see a boy and a girl bicycling down a road through fields in b&w to this piece.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Hi Roy: Thanks! One never knows about harmonics--I think they get ticky awfully quickly unless handled well--so glad to hear you liked them in this case. Yes, the amblinb walk instrumental is a sort of specialty of mine :) A happy New Year to you as well.

  9. Hi John,
    I'd not been to your blog for sometime, and I read about the changes in your life.

    Wanted to wish you a happy 2012, a year of new adventure and creativity!

  10. I loved this. As others have pointed out it does make you stop and reflect; it also feels gentle and wistful.

    Have a great new year; I hope it's full of creative inspiration.

  11. Hi Linda, HKatz & Clare

    Linda: Thanks for your good wishes. I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you as well.

    HKatz: Thanks so much! Very best wishes to you for 2012!

    Clare: Thank you :)

  12. A beautiful piece. I know there are words in there, waiting patiently to be let out.

  13. Hi Kat & Mairi

    Kat: I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Yes, it's a quiet song--for all my loud guitars quiet is a specialty of my compositions :)

    Mairi: I'm truly gratified by how much you like this--thanks so much, my friend.


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