Sunday, December 18, 2011

Photo of the Week 12/18/11

Seasonal Window Display in the Light Bulb Store
N Failing Street, Portland, Oregon
Friday 12/16/11


  1. This photo reminds me of the hardware store where Santa got his toys for me when I was a child. I especially like the toy microscope in the corner. The wonders in a bit of pond water amaze me still.

  2. At first glance, I thought those hanging globes were banjos!

  3. I like how the details come together in this one; there are a lot of interesting things for the eyes to roam over. I like the different shaped light bulbs.

  4. Hi Roy, Joyce, Banjo52, HKatz & Kat!

    Roy: Thanks!

    Joyce: Yes, I thought it had a kind of old-time feel that I liked--there's so much to see--I missed the microscope! Thanks.

    Banjo52: Given the context, I can kind of see that!

    HKatz: Yes, a whole store full of light-bulbs! Thanks.

    Kat: Yes, the bus is running on N. Mississippi Ave, the "main drag," & also where the shop is. This window is on the cross-street, Failing. There are a lot of cool things in the windows here!

  5. Oh, my favorite light bulb store, well, really the only light bulb store I've ever seen, but it's a great place. I am always amused by the name Failing. I understand that it's an historical name, but I just don't think they should have named that bridge 'Failing Bridge'. There isn't a school named after him, is there?

  6. Hi Christine: It's a very cool store, isn't it! Perhaps not the best place to go if you just need an inexpensive garden variety 40-watt bulb, but a lot of fun--& with great window displays. Thanks!


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