Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dad’s Photos #5

Here’s another selection of photographs from my father’s photo album. These photos all apparently date from the summer of 1938 when he was a cook at the Bourne, MA Howard Johnson’s. As usual, the italicized captions are my father’s words. You can find links to the first four installments on the left sidebar.

Hope you enjoy.

Looks like an old friend - Wood's Hole

Coast Guard Boat at Wood's Hole, Mass

The Bay at Wood's Hole

Onset Beach 1938

Bourne Stand

Bourne Kitchen

Broiler & Fryolater Bourne July 4, 1938


  1. Fryolater! I love that word. Your dad had a wonderful collection of photos, John.

  2. Willow: Yes, I liked that one, too. Thanks.

    Jacqueline: Thanks so much for checking out the pictures.

  3. It's weird to think of how long ago 1938 was. Wow.

    Great pics. Thank you!

  4. Hi Reya:

    Very glad you like my father's photos. You're right-- 1938 was an entirely different world in so many ways.

  5. Thank You for sharing these photos with us.Your Dad had a Great Eye.

  6. Thanks Tony & Kat: Yes, my father did have a knack for photography, & I'm very happy to be able to share his photos. Kat-- I've always thought it would be wonderful to see the Maritime Provinces.

  7. It must be a sign of my age. I peered at the kitchen photo, trying to find things that I've had in my kitchen. I do that in antique shops, too. ;>)

  8. Are the Bourne Kitchen and the Bourne Stand sequels to the Bourne Identity?

  9. Reya, here's a game I like to play. 1938 was 71 years ago. We are as far from 1938 as 1938 is from 1867: Two years after the end of the Civil War.

  10. Sandra: That is funny. I like to look at things in antique shops in a similar way.

    K: I like that game.


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