Sunday, July 3, 2011

Photo of the Week 7/3/11

Bert's (R)epair
Council, Idaho
Wednesday 6/29/11


  1. Nice shot! I have a friend in the Rochester, NY area who specializes in b&w shots of abandoned, dilapidated buildings, and this reminds me of her work.

  2. Hi Roy: Thanks so much! A good b&w photographer who likes ramshackle buildings would have a heyday in Idaho & eastern Oregon.

  3. Hi Kat: Thanks! I wondered about the apostrophe, especially because there's seems to be a bit of extra space between the "T" & the "S"--or maybe the extra pace was supposed to stand in for an apostrophe!

  4. I like the irony in this photo.

    Have a happy fourth of July.

  5. Hi HKatz: Thanks! Hope you have a wonderful July 4th too :)

  6. Great photo. I go with the apostrophe theory. An apostrophe would only be connected to one bar, so would have twice the chance of falling off.

    Went through a phase of collecting photos of wonky signs. My favourite was "Anger Rock Falls".

  7. Hi Dominic: Excellent point about the odds of an apostrophe falling off! & in truth my proposal about the space standing in for an apostrophe seems "too clever by half." "Anger Rock Falls" would be a great sign!


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