Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"A Blueberry Visit"

[Our Chicken Farmer Poet in Residence, L.E. Leone, will be taking a bit of a hiatus to work on other projects. But we’re happy to welcome a new write to the circle of Tuesday poets; & it turns out that this is none other than L.E.’s dad, Carmen Leone! Welcome aboard!]

A Blueberry Visit

She was leaving the house in distress,
not even locking the door,
when I stopped by to visit.
When she was gone, instead of leaving myself,
I entered the house,
found an empty container in her dish rack
and filled it with blueberries
from the bushes that lined her driveway.
These I left for her and departed,
as if we’d had a long talk after all.

Carmen Leone
© 2011-present


  1. Beautiful, like an extended haiku with season, humanity and a sweet simlicity.

    1. Hi Zen: A perfect description--couldn't have found a better one myself!

  2. Better than a hand written note, those blueberries are! Great poem.

  3. i love this poem almost as much as i love blueberries AND talking with carmen.

    1. Hi Jen: I love this poem & I love blueberries! I actually have never had the pleasure of a conversation with Carmen (except very recently in the email sense), but given how much fun it is to converse with other Leones I know, it must be great! Thanks.

  4. Beautiful - like he's showing her what she has right there in her own home, which people overlook sometimes when they're in pain.

    And the way it's written reminded me of the William Carlos Williams poem about the plums in the icebox.

    1. Hi HKatz: Yes, well said about showing her what she has. It has that same sort of emotional directness I associate w/WCW's plums poem. Thanks!

  5. Hi Kat: Absolutely--true simplicity is not the same as "easy" in art--in fact, it can be quite difficult to achieve! Thanks for stopping by.


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