Sunday, December 5, 2010

Photo of the Week 12/5/10

Song Sparrow in Russian Olive in Afternoon Light
Indian Valley, Idaho
Friday, December 3rd

Tomorrow on Robert Frost's Banjo? I was saying Monday Morning Uke, but that ain't happening—too busy this weekend.  I may take a day off.

This week on The Spring Ghazals: music theory for poets continues!

Alcools? I'm having a deuce of a time with the next poem,"Le Larron," ("The Thief.") I can see why one translation of Alcools I have omitted it—it's difficult.  I don't know if it will be up Monday or not, but I hope to complete it soon so I can move on! 


  1. A nice, moody shot. And are those little olives still dangling from the branches?

  2. Hi Roy & Raquelle

    Roy: Yes, the "olives" in the Russian Olive sense of the word. The juncos love these--sparrows may too, but I have yet to ob serve that directly.

    Raquelle: Thanks so much! That really was the color of the western sky!

  3. Winter (but a promise of Spring)

  4. Hi Tony: Ah, that promise will probably have to wait until early March however. Thanks!


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