Monday, December 27, 2010

"I Shall Be Released"

Happy Monday, folks.  Today is the wrap up of our Bob Dylan month here on Robert Frost’s Banjo, & I saved my biggest stretch for the last.

The song I’m covering, “I Shall Be Released,” dates from Dylan’s Basement Tapes days, & the original version to reach the public was not by Dylan at all, but the great cover version by The Band, with vocal by Richard Manuel from their 1968 album, Music from Big Pink.  Of course, one hesitates to mention Manuel’s cover in a post featuring my own very humble version!  Dylan himself released the song on his 1971 Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits, Vol. II; as Dylan fans know, despite the title this double album contained some previously unreleased material, including this song.

I played the song in G clawhammer style on my old Windsor banjo—the arrangement is extemporaneous & basic.  Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Interesting take on the song. I love the banjo approach. I only wish you'd had Eberle singing along, because I love the harmonies The Band added to this. Years and years ago I was part of a duo (guitars and vocals), and this was one of the songs we did. My partner Cinder did a wonderful job on the harmony part!

  2. Hi Roy: Geez, I was having a hard enough time singing something in the ballpark of the melody without dealing with someone singing harmony! Seriously, tho, I had Dylan's version much more in my head than The Band's because to my mind Richard Manuel was one of the truly great rock singers & there's no way I could pattern a version on his. Would have loved to hear your take on this great song!

  3. Hi Kat: Glad you liked it--I do think it's a sad song indeed--at least that's my take on it. No need to apologize. Things have been so hectic I'm way behind on blog visits myself. After looking at the overwhelming number of unread posts that had built up in Google Reader this morning, I decided I could only go back to posts on the smnaller blogs I subscribe to--so I'll also be trying to catch up better going forward!

  4. Enjoyed all these John. Highway 61 my favourite.

  5. Hi TFE: Thanks! I agree with you--I think "Highway 61" is the best take of the four.

  6. I hate to parade my stupidity, but what am I meant to click on? I tried everything and even asked the teen expert. What are we missing?

  7. Small miracle. I went away for half an hour and then clicked back through all the various things I'd clicked on and opened and lo and behold, a large blue box that said "click here numbskull" appeared on the first page. Nice rendition. "I Shall be Released" was part of a theatre piece I built sets for in my first year of university. So thanks for the memories.

  8. Bob's well served here again, John. You take him back to his roots, from which place he has never moved far.

  9. Hi Sheila & Dick: Back from our power outage--better part of two days, all told--with belated thanks.

    Sheila: Glad the divshare embed finally loaded for you! Intriguinging to think of this piece being used as theater music.

    Dick: Thanks. I felt like this one was (almost?) too much of a stretch vocally--glad you liked it.


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