Sunday, November 14, 2010

Photo of the Week 11/14/10

Three Burros Along a Fenceline
Monday Gulch Road
Indian Valley, Idaho
Saturday, November 13th

Be sure to check in on The Spring Ghazals! There have been some exciting new posts there recently, including one about an interview, which you can read here on the Tangerine Tree Press blog—many thanks to Sheila Graham-Smith!  Also, one final reminder: today & tomorrow are the last two days to purchase The Spring Ghazals at 15% off (by entering coupon code LEAF305 at checkout).  Sales have been extremely slow, so I'm hoping some of you will want to take advantage of this.  You can purchase The Spring Ghazals at this link.

There won't be a Monday post on Alcools. The next translation isn't completed yet (again).  Completing a translation of "Le Larron" ("The Thief") is a priority in the coming week!

& tomorrow on Robert Frost's Banjo? The Monday Morning Blues! Not sure what, exactly, but it'll be here.

Stay tuned....


  1. Hi Kat: I took several photos of them--I think this was the best. There was a fourth one--gray, like the one to the right--but I couldn't get them all in a picture. I love burros. If our circumstances were different, I'd love to have a couple.

  2. Hi Jingle Poetry: Thanks for following. I will check your site out--however, I really don't participate in any of the group poetry sites.


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