The Council Leader
Ivan M. Durrell, Editor and Publisher
Council, Washington County, Idaho
April 4, 1910
What Council needs and needs badly is a hotel. We are not saying anything against the present accommodations in that respect, but we all realize that when the influx of homeseekers begins, we will not be able to take care of them all on account of lack of rooms. Let the business men get together and talk the matter over. We can have a hotel here that will be a credit to any town in the state with a little cooperation and boosting.
April 22, 1910
The lot where Fred Cool’s feed store now stands has been purchased, and the erection of the building will be commenced as soon as possible, probably in about three weeks. Mr. Cool will move his building down by the railroad where he will have a better location for his business.
Council is past the pioneer times when a pack horse and a blanket was considered sufficient for a night’s lodging, and when trout in the nearby brook was depended upon for breakfast. We are living in a modern civilization where the riches of life are no longer considered rare, but common, and where conveniences are necessary to accommodate the large influx of land seekers, new locators, and the traveling public in general. We are bidding for big things, big men, and big institutions and all things that cooperate in making a city of prosperity and progress. The new hotel is only one of the many things we need today, but Council is destined to be the metropolis of Washington County.
August 26, 1910
Congressman Hamer has been sending out a lot of superfluous campaign matter at the expense of the government telling how many new post offices have been established, but he forgot to tell how many had been discontinued. If he is the best specimen of humanity Idaho can send to Washington, we would be better off without a Congressman.
March 12,1909
What is more pleasant company for a home than a nice singing canary bird? The Leader has two for sale. Call and listen to them.
April 9, 1909
The question of a clean-up day for Council has been agitated by members of the various organizations of the town. During a general meeting in the Odd Fellows’ Hall on Thursday evening, it was decided to ask everybody to join in a general clean-up of the town on Friday the 16th. Everybody is expected to turn out and lend a hand in collecting the rubbish into heaps, and teams will be provided to cart it away. The schools and all business houses will be asked to close for at least a half day so that no one may have an excuse for failing to do his part. Clean up your own premises first, and then go after the vacant lots, streets, and alleys.
June 6, 1909
For the past 133 years, our nation has put great effort into the celebration of its birthday, but never in its history has as much energy, effort, and strife been made as is being made here in Council Valley this year. Neither money, time, nor labor is being spared to make this the most glorious 4th of July celebration ever held in the state of Idaho. Two special trains will be run on that day and it is feared by our local railroad that they will be unable to secure cars enough to carry the enormous crowd that is now planning on spending the day in Council. The program will commence at 10 a.m. with a grand historic, civic, and industrial parade led by the Weiser Military Band. After the elaborate literary program, an enormous free dinner will be served. Seats, tables and dishes have been arranged so that 1000 people can be fed at one time. At 2 p.m. the grand trap-shooting contest will be held near the schoolhouse, and at 3 p.m., the baseball game between Midvale and Cambridge for a purse of $50 will be on exhibition, followed by the customary races.
August 26, 1910
Some people are ardent supporters of the saloon and of that class of people, but when it comes to having a drunk man hang around their place of business, they simply won’t stand for it. They will support the saloons so a man can get drunk, but when he gets more of that dastardly drug in his system than he can carry in good shape, then they want to kick him out. Then he is no good.
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