Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Few More Fold-Out Postcards - 5/27

For Wednesday—the next Fold-Out Postcard Sonnet. I’ve written about Strauss’ setting of Beim Schlafengehen here before, & of course Hank Williams fans will get the “Kaw-Liga” reference.

In other news—I’ve been doing a bit of housecleaning here on the blog—consolidating mostly. So, for instance, rather than having a separate link for each of the Dad’s Photos posts, you can get to all of them by clicking on the link in the left-hand frame. I also removed the Musical Questions pix, tho you can see all the musicians involved in a slideshow at the bottom of the page, & you can get to all the Musical Questions posts by clicking on the banjo graphic.



A quart of clamato & a wrecked green
canoe amongst loads of other stuff a stuffed
orange easy chair going up in smoke to the tune of
Beim Schlafengehen set by Richard Strauss sung by

Ms Melodramatic Archaic Ocean tragic as the
rain in Charlotte NC raining mandolins & buttons &
Vitamin B complex something Marlowe longs for
like a cigar store indian with a breathtaking crush

So Marlowe wants to unscrew his lid
& spill it There’re so many dishes surfacing in the
sink the toy boats have all run freaking aground like

an onslaught of words starring dirty windows like a
wishing well smashed with wooden nickels like a
waterlogged Kaw-Liga in a bonfire

© John Hayes 1996-2009


  1. Hi Kat:

    Glad you liked it-- in case you haven't had a chance to look it up, "Kaw-Liga" is a Hank Williams song about a cigar store indian who fell in love with a woman cigar store indian, but never was able to express his love, & so lost her. It's a kind of wacky song, really.

    Exciting about the villanelle-- I'll look forward to that!

  2. "wishing well smashed with wooden nickels"

    Wow, great imagery, John. I enjoyed this one.

  3. Hi Willow:

    Glad you liked it. I've been enjoying your poems over at Willow Manor!

  4. HeyJohn thanks for yesterday's comments. I don't get poetry. I keep trying. Maybe it wil be like golf and banjo. Someday it will start to click. I do like it when a reference is explaned, ala the wooden indian, and I realize there is so much more going by me than I realize.

  5. Wow thanks for the msical questions section. I just checked it out, very cool

  6. Hi Randy:

    Not to worry on the poetry score! Very glad you like the "Musical Questions" series-- I'm hoping to get that started up again at some point. I'll bet you might like today's post about the local mandolin maker.


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