Friday, April 10, 2009

Dad’s Photos #7

Here’s the next installment of photographs from my father’s old photo album. For those of you who’ve missed the earlier installments, these photos were taken in the late 1930s & early 1940s both in Massachusetts & Vermont. You can find links to the earlier posts in the series under the * Special Guests * section, about halfway down the page (right about the Blog Archive).

Today’s photos are from a trip my father took to New Bedford, MA & Fairhaven, MA while he was living & working in Bourne; I believe these were taken in 1938. As some of you will no doubt know, New Bedford was famous as a whaling center. Fairhaven also was a whaling port, tho less prominent than New Bedford; but Herman Melville sailed out of Fairhaven on a whaling ship in 1841.

Hope you enjoy the pix. As usual, the captions are my fat
her’s, taken from the album.

Church at Fairhaven Mass

Fish Pier at New Bedford Mass

Leaving New Bedford – A Fishing Boat

Dedicated to the Whale Boats of New Bedford

Bay at Fairhaven

Look up boy look up

Church at Fairhaven Mass


  1. Incredible photos, given when they were taken. Interesting post.

  2. Beautiful pictures. I've been to New Bedford a few times and it was nice to see some older photographs of the town.

  3. Great caption, that - Look up, boy, look up. And those are lovely photos. It's strange to think that they were taken not even 70 years ago.

  4. THANK YOU for sharing these Mighty Photos.These Days we snap Away.but Photos then were rare.Your Dad had a Good Eye for Place&Purpose.Any More?
    'Hoping You & Yours Have A Fine Peaceful Easter.

  5. I always look forward to the next installment of your father's photos.

  6. I always love looking at these old photos of your dad's. The memorial to the whale fishermen is fascinating. Enjoy the Easter weekend!

  7. Hi all:

    Thanks so much for the nice response, & hope all the readers out there are having a nice Easter or Passover or just plain old weekend, however that goes for each.

    Kat & Sandra: That is a wild photo & caption. Oh, & Kat, I checked out the triolet-- well done!

    Tony: Don't worry, there are a lot more!

    Thanks again to all readers & commenters!


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