The Adams County Leader Official Paper of Adams County
Price $2.00 Strictly in Advance
Published Every Friday by E. E. Southard
Matter for publication should reach this office not later than Thursday noon – earlier if possible
Price $2.00 Strictly in Advance
Published Every Friday by E. E. Southard
Matter for publication should reach this office not later than Thursday noon – earlier if possible
February 13, 1925
August Schirmer, rancher and miner, residing in the Wildhorse section, came in last Sunday direct from Germany where he went some months ago on a still hunt for a wife. He brought her back with him, and the two went out immediately to the home property to take up their residence.
August 28, 1925
Persons are much exercised over the alleged fact that “prohibition does not prohibit,” meaning, of course, that anti-booze laws are not enforced more strictly. In this connection it may be worth while to remember that about nine out of ten booze enforcement officials are appointed by “wet” higher-ups—as, for example, Charley Moore in Idaho and Al Smith in New York, both governors so wet that you can wring corn juice out of their undershirts. What sort of law enforcement can you expect from officials who openly preach against the law, and one of them at least even refuses to cooperate with federal enforcement officers? And in many counties and states, people vote for preliminary and trial judges because “they belong to my lodge,” or “my clan or clique,” even while they themselves are demanding stricter enforcement. When the people learn to vote for law enforcement, they will get it—not before.
December 4, 1925
The Leader is in receipt of a letter from Dr. Frank E. Brown, formerly a resident of this section and still a heavy property holder here, telling of conditions here in the “good old days” we hear so much about:
Twenty-five years ago we moved to Council. Six saloons and their complement of brothels which served drink were there. A wide-open town it was. We know in part of the wasted lives, the immorality, the blasted homes, the tragedy which was the result of the sale of liquor in the community. Enough to demonstrate to all the world that the traffic should be outlawed. The potential murderer is the man who manufactures alcohol. I have always had extreme consideration for the victims of its ravages. Most of those first saloon-keepers in the early days on Council died in middle-life from over-indulgence, and at least one of the wives went the same way.
We will still strive to protect the weak. In the United States, in the five years previous to 1918, deaths from drink averaged five and one-tenth to the ten thousand population. In the five years following national prohibition, the deaths from drink averaged one and one-tenth to the same population. Citizens who made possible prohibition and now stand solidly and actively behind its enforcement are potential life savers and promote happiness to many lives that would otherwise be miserable.
Yours truly, Frank E. Brown
December 4, 1925
The merchants of Weiser will run excursions the whole length of the P. & I. N. line this winter, according to present plans, to enable people along the line to go there and buy the goods that they are now buying from mail order houses. The first excursion run will be on Thursday of next week, that is to say on Thursday December 10, and a two-cent rate is being put into effect by the railroad company for their accommodation. A big show, “Blossom Time,” also will be staged at the Wheaton theatre in Weiser the same night, so people can “kill two birds with one stone” by doing some shopping and seeing a good show at the same time.
While there will no doubt be a good many articles advertised that could be bought from home merchants if buyers so desired, it is urged by the lower county business men that the main object of the excursions is to head off the business now being sent to the mail order houses. Weiser business men are strongly of the notion that the business of this section belongs by right to this section, and they propose to get their share of it away from Monkey-Roebuck or anybody else who is now trying to corral it and take the money out of Idaho.
Weiser has had three bank failures in the last year or so, has in common with other sections suffered severely from light crops and unfavorable price conditions for a few years past, and still is right up on her toes looking for the “main chance,” and advocates the theory that Idaho money ought to be kept in Idaho. In this they will doubtless establish a good case for themselves before the court of public opinion. As to the excursions, if they are considered successful, they will very likely be continued all winter.
December 4, 1925
Last Friday, Mr. And Mrs. Joe Collins and the little brood of Collinses all climbed into the family Ford car, on which Joe had built a special body designed for traveling in all conditions and weather, and hit the trail for the lower country and eventually Arizona. The Collins family had lived here several years and had become much endeared to all who knew them. Joe is a carpenter, a painter, and almost anything the occasion demands, and had been a very handy man about town.
compiled by Eberle Umbach
Hmmmmmm... If mail order shopping bothered those guys in Weiser (and I'll bet it was the Sears catalog they were fighting against), just think of the tizzy online shopping would have sent them into!
ReplyDeleteHi Roy: Good point! Those were the days when Sears & Monkey Roebuck (as my dad & everyone of his generation called it) ruled in rural areas. Interesting sociological/musical history on how much impact Sears' inexpensive mail order guitars had on the movement toward the guitar usurping the banjo's status, in the south esp.