Friday, February 6, 2009

Dad’s Photos #3

For those who might have missed the first two installments (here & here), I’ve been posting photos from an album of my father’s that I inherited. He took most of the photos in the album, tho as you’ll see this time around, some snapshots are of him, & were taken by others.

In 1938 & apparently some in 1939, my father worked as a cook at a Howard Johnson’s in Bourne, Massachusetts. If you’re not familiar with that area, Bourne is on Cape Cod, not far from Buzzard’s Bay. This installment, & at least the one after, will focus on photographs taken on Cape Code in 1938 & 1939.

Hope you enjoy—the captions with the photos are my father’s, taken from the album. He titled the whole section: "Remember Bourne: The Summer of 1938 as a Screwball"

The shack a.m. most any day

Our Backyard Roses- "Swell"

Gene & Tommy

Some Stuff [my father in his cook's attire]

Soda Jerker on Parade

Helen & Eleanor & Me

Betty - Pastry - Bourne '38


  1. Such beautiful photographs. You are lucky. I wish my father had more photographs. He left pretty much everything in Portugal when he moved to the states in the '60s. :-(

  2. Hi Kat:

    My father did have a dry New England sense of humor. Thanks for the appreciation of his photos-- I also love old b&w photos from this time period in general-- not just my father's.

    Yes, I did follow that link & I really enjoy the site-- have subscribed; will have it on the blogroll here. Thanks for the reminder on that, & thanks for letting me know about it!

  3. Thanks Raquelle!

    I do feel very fortunate to have these photos & some others as well. My father took a lot of photos & sadly I believe a number of those also may be lost; but yes, I'm sorry your dad left his in Portugal because there is something about having a window into parents' early lives that is a special & fascinating experience.

  4. What great pics. And how different from those of my parents here in the England at the same time. The cultural divide between the UK and the USA was as wide as the Atlantic in the '40s and '50s. Then aalong came the '60s..!

  5. I adore old photos. So poignantly rich with history and emotion. Your first one is a stunning still life!

    I inherited 30 old albums of photos when my grandfather passed away a few years ago. I've been busy scanning them and reorganizing. Such treasures.

  6. Dave: Thanks-- interesting observation. Of course the States were a lot different in the 30s, too; a much different outlook on the world then....

    Willow: What a bounty to have those albums from your grandfather; I've certainly deeply appreciated having these photos of my dad's, being able to scan & post them. Thanks


  8. That soda jerk looks like Howard Hughes! Do you think...? Could it be...? Nah, it couldn't. Could it?

  9. Now that's funny: HH as a soda jerk on Cape Cod.


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