Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things Seen Thru The Window This Winter

Winter’s an interior time—the inclement weather, the cold, the deep snow & icy paths rendering much of the property inaccessible—all these combine to make the outdoors a world best appreciated from the comfort of a warm living room or kitchen.

Yesterday evening Eberle & I sat at the kitchen table & made an inventory of things we’ve seen thru the windows of our home so far this winter. A number of these are things we see each winter; some we’ve seen for the first time recently….

  • The January full moon casting shadows on silvery snow.
  • Small bundles of spruce needles where the Christmas tree was dragged thru the snow toward the garden.
  • Quails & juncos eating cracked corn in this same path.
  • A cedar bench covered in snow except for one corner of the seat
  • Frozen apples on a wild apple tree
  • A porcupine high in a poplar tree during a snowstorm
  • The top of an artemesia plant sticking up thru a snowdrift
  • A sheet of ice & snow creating a snow cave blocking the view from the dormer window
  • A humungous sheet of ice & snow sliding off the porch roof onto a bird feeder—the metal pole on which the feeder hangs shook so much that the feeder was thrown almost onto the porch.
  • Several quails perched in a pear tree during a snowstorm
  • A bright red pepper, blown from a bundle of peppers drying on the porch, lying in the snow-covered driveway.
  • A large black & white feral tomcat skulking around the bird feeder
  • Our neighbors in the morning twilight hauling hay to their cattle with their four-wheeler,
  • A mound of plowed snow beside the driveway blackened by thistle seed falling from a feeder in the willow
  • Snowdrifts piling in white mounds up the metal spiral staircase outside our old house—these stairs lead to Eberle’s old studio.
  • Fog descending from the foothills in the evening & surrounding Sage Hill
  • A rainbow above Sage Hill—formed during a snow shower
  • A brass solar lamp shining out from a snow well near the shop,
  • Goldfinches & sparrows at the feeders; juncos gathering dropped seed on the snow below.
  • Potting soil strewn on the paths to melt ice & snow.
  • Quails standing on one of Eberle’s painted metal garden sculptures (a small corrugated metal culvert topped with a wheel spray-painted blue); from this spot they can reach one of the bird feeders.
  • Shreds of tamarisk fronds scattered across the snow after a windstorm.
  • The County road grader plowing Whiteman Lane & N. Gray’s Creek Rd
  • An old white pick-up taking the corner on to N. Gray’s Creek Rd too fast—skidding—then righting itself.
  • Two girls riding horses on N. Gray’s Creek Rd in the afternoon accompanied by three dogs.
  • Our black cat walking on the path from the woodshed
  • Our Manx tiger cat at the door in the morning
  • Frozen water in the blue plastic cat bowl.
  • Juncos eating thistle seed that’s spilled on the potting bench, apparently oblivious to the old black cat, who’s apparently oblivious to them.
  • Our solar powered “Northern Lights” on the porch turning red, green, blue, amber & white after dark.
  • A distant sodium light from a house on the ridge to the east.


  1. Hi Kat:

    Thanks for directing me to those poems-- I enjoyed all three & commented on them at your blog.

    I also used to look out the window a lot when I wrote poetry, both in Virginia & in San Francisco. Funny thing is, my last apartment in San Francisco was on a residential street-- small window, couldn't see much; but looking out a window does seem to engage the imagination.

    Indian Valley is idyllic if you can used to the brutal extrememes of climate!

    Thanks again.

  2. -22 C (i think that's around -8 F) definitely calls for multiple cats & duvets!



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