Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Adams County Makes the News - Council Leader #21

World War I
[The next three installments of the Adams County Makes the News series contain material The Council Leader published regarding World War I]

July 16, 1915 

Mrs. A. J. Anderson was hostess Wednesday afternoon at her home one-half mile south of town to twenty-three members of the I.V.I.L.  Honored guests were Mrs. Cole of California and Misses Elizabeth and Margaret McPherson of Boise.  Roll call was responded to with a patriotic quotation or recitation, and the decorations were the National colors carried out very effectively.  The color scheme was also carried out in the refreshments.

July 13, 1917 

Mrs. Severson this week received a letter from her son Clifford Shultz who is serving in the navy and is one of the crew of the battleship South Dakota.  The ship was somewhere in the Atlantic at the time the letter was written.  Clifford stated that his health was good, but gave no information of a public character.  At this time, great caution is being used to avoid giving out information that might be of a destructive character and this is probably the reason why the young man gave no account of his experiences.

November 16, 1917

The call of our nation for the relief of our soldier boys at the front is so urgent that at a meeting of our chapter—the Adams County Red Cross—held on Saturday evening November 10, a resolution was passed whereby it is necessary to raise the sum of five hundred dollars at once to be used in the purchase of materials for making dressings, bandages, and other supplies needed at the front.

The ladies of the Chapter are able and willing work to "do their bit" in helping to win the war, and it is now up to the people of Adams county to see to it that the necessary funds with which to carry on this most necessary work are provided.  The National Headquarters is repeatedly demanding that the work be speeded up.  Our just portion of the supplies needed is large and must be furnished at once.

Remember that some of our Adams county boys are already at the front fighting our fight, and that it is our duty as citizens to assist them in every possible way.  We suggest that a collection be taken in every school district in the county to aid in this work; and we especially urge that every teacher act as a committee of one to solicit subscriptions to the end that the work may be carried on uninterruptedly.  This appeal is made to every loyal man and woman in Adams county.  Wounds will not wait: the dressings are needed now.

Adams County Chapter Red Cross
Josephine Michaelson and Mamie McClure, President

July 13, 1917

Last week in publishing a list of those who won prizes at the celebration on the Fourth, we stated that the prize for the best decorated auto was won by J.F. Lowe.  While this was technically true, Mr. Lowe desires us to state that he merely furnished the car and that the prize went to the Red Cross.  The car was decorated by a Red Cross committee consisting of Miss Brown, Miss Lowe, and Fred Schulz.  Mrs. Hildebrand gave the Red Cross $5 to be used the parade and this fund was used in decoration the car in order to win the prize.

February 2, 1917

In at least some respects the American public can find much joy and grounds for self-glorification in small things.  For two years Americans have been patting themselves upon their fat happy backs in the belief that our philanthropy has kept Belgium from starving.  Now cold records stare this country in the face.  We read that it has taken $250,000,000 to keep Belgium alive and that of this sum, we, the richest nation in the world, have given $12,000,000 in all.  America has sold to other nations, at war prices, practically all of the $238,000,000 such countries have given to relieve stricken Belgium.  Holland, about as large as an American cow pasture, has given more to Belgium than has the whole United States.  We doubt that the foundation for this odious comparison is due to a lack of generosity of the part of the American people.  More likely the showing is due to America’s great distance from the scene of suffering and a consequent lack of organized effort.

However, something about the situation reminds one of that very old but pertinent story of the rich man who sought admission to heaven because he had once given a nickel to a blind beggar.  It will be recalled that St. Peter is reputed to have ordered a subordinate to return the nickel and tell the old miser to go to hell.

October 25, 1918

Adams County, our county, has up to October 1, 1918, actually bought $22,704.79 in War Savings Securities, which is $5.15 per capita, making our rank thirty—or, in other words, we are just eleven points from the tail end of the tail end state of our group.  Now, Mr. Leader of public opinion, Mr. man who controls the property, credit, and business of Adams County, what are you going to do about it?

Emmett Medley, County Director, War Savings Certificates
December 27, 1918


Some $31,000 in pledges has been obtained from the various solicitors in this county.  The various solicitors returned an abstract of the pledge performances of their districts, showing each resident's performance, so we have a record of just what each individual has pledged to do.  Therefore, when anyone has redeemed his pledge, he should mark the duplicate which he was given upon making the pledge "redeemed."  Hand or forward it to the aforementioned holder of the original who will forward all pledges together with duplicates to this office, where they will be credited to each person as well as each school district in the county.

If any person who gave a pledge and circumstances are such that he cannot before the last of this year fulfill that pledge, in justice to himself, that person should so report to the solicitor who holds the original pledge, who will report the circumstances to this office and will so state on the record opposite his name.  The person who has fulfilled his pledge is entitled to have his record clear on that point.  The person who has the misfortune to be unable to fulfill his pledge has the right to have the reason set forth on the records.

Emmett Medley,
County Director, War Savings Securities, Adams County, Idaho
March 29, 1918

compiled by Eberle Umbach


  1. Thoroughly entertaining as always. I love Mrs Anderson and her patriotic food.

  2. Hi Alan: Thanks! I think this section is particularly interesting.

  3. Hi Kat: Yes, writing back then was different--on the other hand, there was probably more actual illiteracy. I bet the refreshments involved icing!


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