Adams County Leader
Council, Adams County, Idaho
C. H. Wines, Lessee-Editor-Proprietor
Wm. Lemon, Owner
November 5, 1937
The streets of Council are unadorned with names to guide the stranger about town, and to a stranger this is a disadvantage. While it is true that Council is not so large that one would be in any danger of getting lost and needing the police to get oriented again, yet it is a disadvantage to tell a stranger, or even some not so strange, the way about town. To try and describe where So-and So lives, so many blocks south and so many blocks east of such-and-such a place is a poor way of telling one coming to inquire where another is to be found.
It seems that the main streets, at least, are named, and we have heard their names a time or two, but they are as strange to the ears of Council residents as they are to strangers. Why would it not be possible for the village to have small signs painted and placed to designate the principle streets at least? The cost would not be too great and the benefits certainly would be great.
January 28, 1938
Miss Trumbo in her talk at the dinner Saturday night, stressed some of the needs of the village and suggested that some of the civic and fraternal organizations might help. Her suggestion that the streets of Council have signs placed on them was entirely in harmony with our ideas on the subject. Some time ago, this paper mentioned the subject in an editorial, but to date, nothing has been done about it. Again we urge this improvement. Of course, there is no danger of losing oneself in Council, we all know that it is too small for that. But what a convenience it would be to be able to describe where someone lives by giving the name of the street. Besides, it would give strangers to our town a much better impression. If the village board will not do this, why not some or all of our organizations get together and do it? This improvement would not be expensive. The streets are already named, but it is doubtful if there are many who know the name of the very street on which they live. Let's have some action on this matter.
Fruitvale: Mrs. Caseman had a birthday, so last Thursday, in spite of the cold wind which held sway that day, a few of her friends gathered to help her celebrate. Anna Kathrine McGinly brought her Aunt Jo a large platter of popcorn balls, which the whole crowd helped to dispose of. They were delicious. After singing, playing, telling stories and jokes, and doing a little sewing and tatting, a table was laid with good things to eat and twelve gathered around to eat in a merry mood. About four thirty, the guests departed for home, voting a good time and the determination to have another surprise party some day.
Council to The Dalles, Oregon - By Telephone, $1.20
Wrestling Match at the Legion Hall: L. L. Noregaard of Willowa, Oregon, “Kid” Farrens of Mesa, Idaho. Dance after the match.
Reports have gone the rounds the past couple of weeks that the children of the Fred Schultz family have had infantile paralysis. This rumor is all a hoax as they have been under the doctor’s care for some time and have been pronounced physically OK. The paralysis scare has frightened a good many people but as far as any one knows, there are no cases in the valley.
John Hoover says the worms are out and ready for a mass attack on orchards. He is making ready for a vigorous fight against them with all the weapons of modern insect warfare.
Dale Donnelly has visualized spring just around the corner and in a spirit of preparedness has stocked up on a big supply of garden seeds.
Three cents a week. That is all the Leader costs. Surely you can’t afford to get along without it at that price. Don’t borrow it. Subscribe. Do It Now!
Mrs. Jennie Braden, who owns the farm about three miles west of Council where Ben Gulliford farmed for the past several years, brought in two big ears of the corn raised on the farm. The ears are about eleven inches long and well-filled.
On the Silver Screen at the People’s Theatre: “Park Avenue Logger,” a thrilling outdoor drama set against New York City and the rugged background of a gigantic lumber camp in the Northwest.
Some County Expenses, 1938:
County Health, contagious diseases, etc.: $549.81
Rodent Control: $504.22
Grasshopper Control: $80.00
Brand Inspector: $16.25
Sheriff, wages: $1,497.00
Superintendent of Schools, salary: $1,100.00
Road and Bridge: $13,411.63
Charities (aid, medical, burial, temporary, children, etc.: $7,172.46
February 26, 1937
Leader Readers:
If Anyone
--Gets Married
--Has Guests
--Goes Away
-- Has a Party
--Has a Baby
--Has a Fire
--Is Ill
--Has an Operation
--Has an Accident
--Buys a Home
--Wins a Prize
--Receives an Award
--Builds a House
--Makes a Speech
--Holds a Meeting
--Or Takes Part in Any Other Unusual Event
That’s News
We Want It
compiled by Eberle Umbach
Thus concludes the series, Adams County Makes the News. A big Robert Frost's Banjo thanks to Eberle for making this available to us!